Top 5 Ways To Avoid Phishing Emails

Five top ways to prevent phishing attacks

Cyber attacks are on the increase, and it is vital to protect yourself and your business against the rising security threats. For most companies, the employees are the weakest security link, leaving the company open to potential attacks and breaches. Over 90% of cyber attacks start with a phishing email, and recent studies suggest that the fastest growing security threat to businesses is no longer malware but impersonation email attacks.

The reason employees are often the weakest link in your security is due to human error, and cyber attackers have learnt it is easier to trick someone into revealing secure information such as logins and passwords, rather than trying to exploit a secure system. The number of impersonation email attacks sent has increased by 50% quarter-over-quarter compared with malware and harmful files being sent rising by 15%. This means your business is seven times more likely to be subject to an impersonation email attack than a malware attack.

The figures are staggering, and even still there are thousands of companies out there who are not doing everything they can to protect themselves against phishing emails. The most common type of phishing emails is spear phishing; a highly targeted scam email that is sent to a business or individual. If the cybercriminal does enough research into an individual or business, spear phishing can be very effective, and research has shown that 97% of individuals can be tricked by a spear phishing email attack. Here are some of the top 5 ways to avoid phishing emails and protect your business.

Invest In Your Systems

One of the best ways to protect your business from phishing emails is to prevent them from getting through to your employees in the first place. There are many technological approaches to avoid phishing attacks, such as powerful filters and protection systems. Implementing a smart security system can help to identify phishing emails and block them from being received by your employees.

This is a great place to start when it comes to avoiding phishing emails, but even the best technology can’t detect every single phishing email. There will always be some that slip through the filters, so it is vital to have other precautions in place as well.

Educate Your Employees

As personnel are often the biggest downfall for a company’s security, it is essential that they are provided with appropriate training and knowledge to protect themselves against phishing emails. While many phishing emails are poorly written and easy to detect, there are often highly sophisticated attacks that are much more difficult to spot.

To properly protect your business against phishing emails you should develop an effective security education programme to raise awareness among staff of the growing cyber threats.

Go Phishing

One very effective method to identify the weak links in your security and determine where further training is required is to send phishing emails to your employees. Craft an email based on the kind of ones that your employees do receive and then measure for these main four metrics: clicking on the link, opening attachments, reporting the email and response time.

After the ‘attack’, discuss the results of the tests with your employees; it is usually best to keep results anonymous or break them down by department or team to avoid employees feeling like they are being individually called out. Your goal with this exercise should be to raise awareness and educate your employees, not to embarrass them.

Develop A Strict Protocol

Ensure you have a strict and well thought out protocol in place for phishing attacks. Encourage all employees to report all attacks or potential attacks immediately so that they can be dealt with effectively and quickly.

Make it clear that every employee can ask for help if they think they might have been a victim of a phishing email attack and be sure never to punish staff if they do get caught out; it will only discourage your employees from reporting the attacks in future. Once an attack has been reported, take steps to scan the affected devices for malware and change all passwords as soon as possible.

Review Your Digital Footprint

Cybercriminals will use information that is publicly available about your business and employees to make phishing emails more convincing. This information can be found on your website and social media accounts and is known as your digital footprint. Carefully consider what information is necessary for your website visitors and what could be used by potential attackers.

It is also vital to offer support and training to your employees on how to best manage their digital footprint; you should not expect them to remove themselves from the internet entirely but help them understand what information isn’t necessary to share.

Increase your phishing protection with Cyan Solutions

At Cyan Solutions we can develop robust IT security to reduce the risk and prevent cyber attacks. If you would like friendly advice on how to increase your IT security, talk to our experts now.

Key Technology Trends Impacting the Energy Sector

The energy sector has been evolving rapidly in recent years thanks to new and upcoming technologies. 2018 is looking to be a milestone year for the energy industry, with the introduction of many new technology trends that are set to be revolutionary in the sector.

The rise of digital has affected many businesses over the years, and the electricity industry is no exception. With everything from artificial intelligence through to increased technological demands in the home, there are a number of technology trends set to impact the energy sector over the coming months and years.

Growing Cybercrime Threat

Cyber-attacks are increasing in every industry across the globe, and the energy sector is no different. Earlier this year the United States Department of Energy announced it was planning on setting up its own Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response to tackle the upcoming security challenges. There is also evidence that hackers have been targeting the energy and nuclear facilities for the last couple of years.

Cybersecurity concerns are one of the most pressing issues within the energy sector, and as companies introduce more complex technology systems, the risk and potential for an attack are increased. Many utilities are upgrading systems to provide a higher level of grid intelligence and better communication with customers devices, opening themselves up to more potential security threats.

The Rise in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved rapidly in recent years and provided the energy sector with a variety of new capabilities such as machine learning, cognitive analytics, deep learning and robotics process automation. These advances in technology have led to powerful systems that can automate increasingly complex workloads and develop cognitive agents that can simulate human thinking and engagement.

AI can be used in the energy sector to streamline, automate and eliminate processes within customer interactions, taking customer experience to the next level. As well as customer service benefits, AI can also be an excellent tool for customer engagement by giving companies the ability to compute a customer’s smart metre data to develop invaluable insights into their consumption habits.


Blockchain has been on the cards for quite some time and is slowly growing in popularity across a variety of industries. While it is currently limited within the energy sector, the potential of this technology should definitely not be ruled out, in fact, it may end up being invaluable in the industry in coming years.

Blockchain offers a permanent and transparent solution that is entirely digital making it really easy to work with. Within the energy sector, blockchain could potentially be used for easily recording transactions and contacts in a transparent and searchable form. The energy sector involves a considerable amount of customer paperwork and blockchain could provide some significant operational benefits such as easily locating records, detecting fraud and clarifying bill disputes.

3D Printing and Smart Materials

In recent years there have been significant steps forward in 3D printing, particularly with print metals becoming significantly cheaper. This will likely be used widely in the energy sector for the creation and maintaining of equipment and systems.

An increased use of smart materials would also have a significant impact on the energy market, and the use of materials that can self-heal could potentially change the industry altogether.

Digital Transformation in Homes

It is no surprise that there is an increased demand for energy in homes across the world. With technology coming on in leaps and bounds in recent years, the amount of electricity being consumed today is very different from that of a few years ago. The introduction of smart technologies such as smart lightbulbs and smart metres has transformed the way consumers use their energy within their homes, and this is only set to become more complex and readily available in the coming years.

The uptake of smart energy products by consumers has been relatively minimal so far, and according to recent research, 72% of people are unlikely to introduce any form of smart home technology in the next five years. However, the individuals who already make use of smart devices have noticed a significant impact on the day to day running of their homes. Many believe the uptake has been slow as consumers are still sceptical of smart energy products, but the market is expected to accelerate rapidly once the popularity of the technology increases.

The energy sector is set for a rapid transformation for the rest of 2018 and the following years, and those within the industry should be preparing themselves or the upcoming changes and opportunities that these technology trends are sure to bring. Not embracing these new technologies will leave your business at risk of being left behind the curve. At Cyan we have experience of providing transformational technology infrastructures for growing businesses the energy sector. Talk to us today to see how we can help your business.

Cybercrime Is On The Increase


Businesses have been facing a growing threat from data breaches, ransomware and supply chain weaknesses in recent years. According to the annual report of the National Cyber Security Centre, the number of cyber-attacks on UK businesses increased in the last year and is only expected to continue to rise.

Cybercrime is a very real issue that businesses today must address and protect themselves against, especially with the newly introduced General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that took effect in May this year. IT infrastructures and systems are continuing to grow and evolve rapidly and the more technology systems a company has, the more potential there is for a security breach.

Cybercriminals are continually finding new and innovative ways to hack IT systems and to keep your business safe; it is essential to stay one step ahead.

The growing cybercrime problem

Cybercrime among businesses is a growing issue, with almost half of UK firms being hit by a cyber breach or attack in the last 12 months. Organisations of all sizes are under threat from cybercriminals, with firms that hold personal data the most likely to be a target for cybercrime. These cyber-attacks can come in many shapes and sizes, and cybercriminals are getting more intelligent in carrying out these attacks subtly and quickly.

The most common types of attack from the last 12 months were fraudulent emails, closely followed by viruses and malware. In 2017, The Cyber Security Breaches Survey identified that nearly seven in ten large businesses came under a security breach or attack during the year, and these attacks cost each firm an average of £20,000.

It is no secret that cybercriminals are targeting businesses across the UK on a daily basis, and this threat is continuing to grow. A serious security breach can not only be costly to a company but also have a significant impact on customer confidence, and many big brands have been hitting the headlines recently for being victims of massive data breaches. Dixons Carphone recently admitted a considerable data breach where 5.9 million customer bank cards and 1.2 million personal records were compromised, resulting in the most significant data breach ever in the UK.

GDPR and cybercrime

In May 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into effect, in a bid to protect customers personal data and help individuals have more control over how and where their personal data is used and stored. The new regulations mean there are some drastic changes for businesses, as there is now a much higher level of responsibility for how customer data is stored and managed.

The main impact on businesses in the UK from GDPR is the vast fines that can be enforced should a data breach occur. Following a data breach, a firm can either be fined €20 million or 4 per cent of their global turnover, whichever is higher.

Compared with the previous fines, this is a considerable increase and could land a lot of small businesses in trouble should a data breach occur. In 2016 TalkTalk was fined £400,000 for a security breach that gave hackers access to their customer’s data, today that fine would have been a huge £59 million under GDPR.

With the risk of fines that are large enough to put many companies out of business and the increase in security attacks on businesses in recent years, it is more important than ever to make sure your data and security are safe and protected.

How to protect your business from cybercrime

In this day and age, no matter what size your business is or what industry you operate in, someone will try to steal your data, use your systems to spread viruses or hold your computers for ransom. Smaller companies are often considered better targets for cybercrime, because cybercriminals expect them to have weaker security systems in place, and they probably have a point.

Smaller businesses often have less money to spend on protecting themselves than their larger counterparts, but cybersecurity is a vital investment. It can be a struggle to know where to start, especially if you aren’t an expert in the IT. Technology systems are becoming increasingly complex, making protecting them from attackers ever more challenging.

Enlisting the help of an expert such as Cyan for your businesses computer and data security needs is beneficial and well worth the extra money involved. A professional in the field of cybersecurity will be top of the game and the first to know about new viruses and issues, giving them the ability to stay one step ahead of the cybercriminals and implement security patches before a breach has the chance to occur.

It is also vital to remember that under GDPR you are also responsible for how all your chosen suppliers and providers handle your customer’s data. When employing third-party companies to run systems or software for you, be sure to understand exactly how they are working to protect themselves from cybercrime. You could have the best cybersecurity in the world, and if one of your external suppliers doesn’t keep the same standard, you can still be at risk of a cyber attack or data breach.

Essential Data Back-Up & Disaster Recovery Tips

Even the most careful and cautious business in the world is at risk of natural and human-made disasters that could bring down essential infrastructures and systems. No matter what industry you are in or what size your business is, a foolproof data back up and disaster recovery plan is vital to protecting your company and avoiding a crisis should the worst happen.

Getting back-ups correct is no easy task, and disaster recovery is even more difficult to implement effectively. Ever changing and growing technology such as cloud solutions adds yet another layer of complexity to IT systems and is just another aspect that needs a reliable back up plan. As well as this, strict data laws such as GDPR put even more pressure on companies to protect their customer’s data and avoid security breaches.

The terms data back-up and disaster recovery are often misunderstood and misused; it is essential to understand that having a back-up plan is different from having a disaster recovery strategy and that you may need both!

What is data back up?

A data back-up is a copy of your businesses data stored on another device in a different location to your originals. Often data back-ups are in the form of a separate drive or storage device within a data centre or stored in a completely different location to everything else.

In most cases, back-ups are created on a daily basis, so your back-up file is always up to date and relevant. Cloud technology provides an automatic and remote solution for creating daily back-ups. However, some businesses still operate with a physical drive that is backed up regularly by an individual.

These data back-ups give you the ability to restore your data back to the original source should anything go wrong. When running a business, it is essential to have a back-up plan in place to protect your data from the worst-case scenario. Creating a back-up plan requires deciding what needs to be backed up, how often it needs backing up and how long it should be kept for.

You will also need to consider how and where this data will be backed up. There is a range of back-up data solutions out there and to properly understand which is right for you and your business; you first need to understand your back-up requirements fully.

What is disaster recovery?

Disaster recovery is much more in-depth than a data back up and includes having a full plan and technical solution to keep your business running should a disaster strike. To establish an effective disaster recovery plan, you first need to identify which systems are required to keep your business functioning should an incident occur and how long your business can run with each various system being offline.

Disaster recovery solutions come in many different forms; some will automatically take over from the primary system if the connection is lost, while others involve restoring the system from back-ups.

Top tips to keep your business protected

Many businesses will require both a back-up data plan and disaster recovery strategy to protect themselves from a crisis adequately. There are a few best practices that every business should follow to ensure their data and systems are effectively protected in the event of a disaster:


The most important practice for any business is to make sure you have both a back-up data plan and a disaster recovery strategy in place to protect yourself. If your data doesn’t exist in at least two different places, then it might as well not exist at all; the same can be said for your systems and workloads. Computers and the data within them make up your organisation, and if you choose not to protect them properly you could end up with nothing.


Use the cloud to make reliable and automated back-ups. Cloud-based back-ups will back up your data over the internet and can be restored from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection. Data is stored off-site and often protected from physical natural disasters such as flooding or fires. Back-ups can be arranged to complete automatically in the background, meaning you don’t have to worry about remembering to do them on a weekly or monthly basis.


Organisation is key. For a functional and reliable back up, ensure your files are organised into a sensible system. This way you will easily be able to locate your lost data should the worst happen.


When it comes to establishing an effective disaster recovery strategy, start by reviewing the basics. Audit all your internal back-up plans and determine where the areas of weaknesses are. Even the best disaster recovery plan in the world can’t recover data that hasn’t been properly backed up.


Keep your disaster recovery plan current. A disaster recovery plan cannot simply be set up and then left to its own devices until it is required, it needs to be maintained and updated as the business grows and evolves. It should always be at the forefront of your mind, and whenever a system or process within your business is changed, your disaster recovery plan needs to reflect that.

To review your back-up and disaster recovery strategy, get in touch with the experts at Cyan  – we are ready to help to ensure your success.

Using The Cloud For Your Disaster Recovery Strategy

One of the priorities for every IT department is to ensure there is a sufficient recovery strategy in place should a disaster happen. Small businesses can lose thousands of pounds for every hour that their IT system is down. The best way to limit the costs and the damage of IT failure is to prepare for the eventuality and ensure there is a backup plan ready.

With over 60% of businesses using cloud technology in some form or other for their infrastructure, it is clear that a cloud solution can significantly help with the day to day. However, the cloud can also help with secondary workflows that include backup and archiving to help with your disaster recovery strategy.

Traditional disaster recovery strategies for businesses are expensive and inefficient; they often require multiple solutions as well as labour and maintenance which can increase the costs dramatically. Cloud-based solutions already offer increased security for businesses, and with a cloud-based disaster recovery strategy, you have a secure, scalable disaster recovery strategy.

If you want greater agility and protection for your business, should the worst happen, then a cloud-based disaster recovery could be a cost-saving solution that will help your business to feel prepared for every eventuality.

The benefits of using the cloud for your disaster recovery strategy

Reduced manual backup

A cloud-based disaster recovery strategy will automate the backup process for you. This helps to free up time and resources needs for manual backup. This is particularly helpful for businesses with a small IT team who need to dedicate their time to strategic aspects of IT and the company as a whole.

Taking time to manually backup data means time is taken away from troubleshooting, improving systems and creating efficiencies. Instead, the manual backup will require reviewing archives, monitoring progress and ensuring there is sufficient space and storage for backup. All of these processes could be significantly reduced with an automated cloud solution.


Using a cloud-based system for your backup helps to ensure predictability not only for automated backup but also for knowing your costs. Having a cloud system for your disaster recovery strategy typically comes with a set monthly fee which can help you when it comes to budgeting and ensures you know your costs beforehand.

Utilising another provider for your backup and disaster recovery strategy also frees up IT staff, as well as the cost of time and resources, to give you better reliability and assurance that backup is always taken care of through immediate automation.

Immediate backup

When it comes to internal backups, companies rarely check their systems to see if they can recover and restore all data should the worst happen. Many businesses will only complete a backup process at night which means retrieving all data in a situation is almost impossible.

Cloud-based solutions use a continuous backup method which means you’ll lose minimal data should a disaster strike. As the cloud automatically detects and transmits changes to files, there is no manual process involved, and you do not need to worry about when the backup takes place. All of the data restoration is taken care of for complete peace of mind.


Even if your business has a robust data recovery and disaster management plan, if your equipment for backup is on the same site as the business then it may not help you at all. Should the workplace suffer from an unforeseen accident such as a flood, storm, burst pipe or fire, then your servers and backup systems are likely to suffer, and you will lose all of your data.

With a cloud-based solution, you have backup data in an external location. This means that should there be a problem in the workplace, your data will remain safe. As cloud backup occurs within minutes, you know that data is safely stored offsite from your organisation which gives peace of mind and can help to relieve any backup issues such as loss of revenue, lower productivity or negative customer feedback.


As many customers who already take advantage of the cloud for their day to day running will know, a cloud-based system can give an organisation additional security. A cloud-based solution keeps data secure by being offsite and using data encryption; this means that only authorised users can access and decrypt the data.

Data encryption in the cloud is also applicable to backup and archived data which can significantly add to the security of the organisation which can help to reduce the risk of security breaches for organisations as well as providing peace of mind to customers.

Plan your disaster recovery strategy

When it comes to planning your disaster recovery strategy, it is essential to not only prepare for the worst but make sure there is always a robust system in place that works for your business. At Cyan, we can help to make sure you have a secure and effective disaster recovery plan in place using the cloud. If you want to protect your business and prepare for every eventuality, get in touch with our team of expert advisors.

Harnessing Technology to Enhance Housing Associations Performance

In all organisations, there is an increasing need to adopt a more streamlined digital strategy. In a rapidly changing arena, many housing associations are suffering due to the reduced investment, funding cuts, the mandatory rent freeze on social housing and the fact that there is a relatively slow uptake in digital efficiency. For housing associations to thrive, harnessing technology is vital in order to enhance performance and make the changes that are desperately needed in the fast-paced digital world.

In terms of digitalisation, the housing sector seems to be far behind other industries. There are many reasons why this may be. Firstly, the fact that many housing associations are fragmented, making it difficult to adopt a singular system. Another issue is the fact that there is a reluctance to switch from the legacy systems currently in place. One of the main problems is the initial investment that going digital takes, which can seem like an unnecessary cost in times of cuts and budget restraints. However, by adopting a digital strategy, housing associations can actually save money as well as enjoying a host of other benefits.

How housing associations can harness technology

One of the most significant ways that housing associations can enjoy the benefits of digitalisation is through adopting a cloud-hosted platform. With this, all team members can enjoy real-time access to the necessary systems on any device at any location. This means that those on-site with customers can instantly log reports. Furthermore, associations can reduce infrastructure and office costs with the flexibility of a cloud-based system.

Another opportunity for digitalisation comes from the automation and processing of customer information. Digitalisation reduces the need for paper forms that need manual processing. Instead, you can store all customer data in secure, personal accounts. This reduces the need for repetitive form filling and repeated information.

Organisations can also perform customer service functions digitally. In fact, using digitalisation, customers can find the answers to their questions instantly, meaning they can effectively self-serve should they have any issues. This will significantly reduce the time taken to resolve problems by staff.

Technology can also provide further communication methods. Using a digital system, customers can engage with the team in multiple ways such as online chat facilities as well as email and traditional methods. With customers becoming increasingly digital-savvy this is an ideal method of communication. The fact that customers can find answers for themselves, through a knowledge base, for example, can significantly reduce the workload for staff too.

Not only can technology improve customer relations, it can strengthen supplier management too. With a system that can be accessed by tenants, association staff and suppliers, problems can be actioned and addressed quickly. Everyone has access to the information they need, and this can stop vital information or actions from being missed.

The benefits of technology for housing associations

Cheaper transactions

When it comes to processing transactions, housing associations can reduce revenue through processing. However, it has been found that online transaction processing can save significant costs. In fact, online payment is 20 times cheaper than phone transactions and 50 times cheaper than face to face

Quicker processing

With real-time access to systems, staff can log and process issues much more quickly, which can then provide more customer facing time to increase services and greater flexibility with travel time and costs as things can be actioned on the go.

Enhance service levels

One of the primary benefits of digitalisation is the fact that customers receive a better service. They have the opportunity for 24/7 advice and help thanks to a knowledge base and the fact that account information is accessible. The fact that actions can be completed online means customers have no restrictions with time or having to speak to the right department.

Cost efficiency

While there is an initial investment in going digital, the benefits far outweigh the costs in the long-term. In fact, Croydon London Borough Council estimates savings of £20 million in 2018 thanks to their digitalisation. This is mainly due to the fact that customers are only asked for their information once with their digital records.


With increased performance, customer engagement and satisfaction and cost-efficiency, housing associations that choose to go digital can reap the benefits. From reduced operational costs to a more productive environment, there are advantages for all involved.  Furthermore, those that resist the changes will find it harder to adapt later and will have to do so, with an ever-decreasing budget.

Why Your Phone System is an Essential Part of Your Technology Strategy

When it comes to technology, it is essential that every part of your business stays up to date. In many organisations, traditional methods of communication such as fax and telephony are still vital. However, the fact the companies still use traditional methods does not mean the business lags behind technologically. With internet telephony, you can enjoy the freedom and benefits that digitalisation provides, without forgoing your most important communication tools.

Internet telephony is one of the most critical technologies for businesses who still value speaking to clients, suppliers and team members. It allows the use of traditional communication methods but with more freedom, flexibility and a wealth of business benefits.

What is internet telephony?

Internet telephony is a technology that allows communication (voice calls, voicemail, faxes, etc.) to be made anywhere with an internet connection and internet-enabled device. The digital system converts voice and other communication forms into a digital signal so they can be transferred across the internet to reach the recipient.

This digital signal enables a variety of different communication forms, allowing a mix of communication from fax machines, phones, PCs and laptops. In fact, any device with internet and an enabled system can utilise internet telephony, and no landline is needed.

The guises of internet telephony

There are many names for internet telephony, while some offer slight differences, they are commonly used interchangeably. These include terms such as;

  • VoIP (Voice over IP)
  • Broadband Telephony
  • VoBB (Voice over Broadband)
  • IP Telephony
  • OTT Voice Services (Over the top voice services)
  • Broadband Phone Services.

The benefits of internet telephony

There are many advantages to using internet telephony as a business technology, here are just some of the many benefits that you can achieve by adopting this strategy for your business.

Increase productivity

The fact that staff can make and receive calls and faxes wherever there is an internet connection can significantly improve productivity. Whether they are working at a customer site, in the office or at another location, as long as they have internet, they will be able to communicate as necessary.

The agility of an internet phone system means that your workplace can be much more flexible and ideal for remote workers. This enables staff to action and answer calls wherever they are, which increases their productivity. Some services even offer a dedicated smartphone app to make internet telephony even easier on the move. Furthermore, there is no waiting for answers, for colleagues, customers or suppliers.

Cost efficiency

One of the primary benefits of an internet phone system is the cost savings you can achieve. Once you have a system set up, you are only paying for the service and the internet. There are no additional costs for long distance calls or roaming. Your costs are contained to your internet telephony provider and will be based on the quality of the service that you want to receive and your internet connection. You will not be charged for calls or faxes that you make or receive, wherever you are in the world.

Business stability

Having an internet telephony system means that you can keep the same number as long as you stay with your service. This means that you do not have to change your number if you move offices or workspaces. The number is not a landline, and will stay with you. This helps with the stability of the business and the fact that customers will be able to contact you, without the need to update their contact numbers.

This system is valuable when you do not have a dedicated workspace or a traditional work set up, as you still appear professional and trustworthy to customers.

Never miss a call

One of the benefits of internet telephony is that it can link to many devices. You can connect calls and communications to your desk phone, smartphone, PC and laptop. With this in mind, you will never miss a call, even if your battery has died or you are away from your desk. Customers will be able to get in touch with ease; you can reduce the number of callbacks and avoid the problematic game of ‘phone tag’ that can occur when you miss a call.

Local number

Another advantage of internet telephony is that fact that you can choose a local phone number, despite being located somewhere else. If your customers are concentrated in a particular area, you can select a local number, to enhance trust but actually answer the calls from anywhere in the world.

You can have multiple local numbers to satisfy all customer locations yet save on costs in terms of regional call centres and dedicated area staff.

Improve your communication technology strategy

At Cyan Solutions we conduct complete communication audits and total reviews of your technology systems to ensure that you have the most appropriate, business efficient solutions in place. We can help to provide your internet telephony system, complete with cloud hosting solutions to ensure all of your technology strategy is cohesive and beneficial. From encryption through a virtual private network to high bandwidth to support a quality service, we can assess your needs and ensure you have a practical and effective system in place. Get in touch for helpful advice from our friendly team.


Driving Business Growth Through IT Infrastructure

IT infrastructure is often a practice that is avoided or stepped around, with many companies simply going with the flow when it comes to their IT management. Many businesses will only make changes and upgrades when it becomes necessary due to equipment failures. Operating your IT planning in this reactive, fire-fighting way is not going to support and help your business grow. A good and well thought out IT infrastructure should be aligned with the businesses goals and growth plans.

While an efficient IT plan does take time and careful planning to create, they are worthwhile and will help your business reach its goals and prevent issues and faults. Having a decent IT infrastructure in place can help a company to optimise its resources, save costs, reduce dependencies and improve productivity. On the other end of the spectrum, having a poor or non-existent IT plan can result in outdated systems, digital skills gaps and lack of productivity all of which can affect your bottom line.

It can all be a bit overwhelming with where to start when creating an IT infrastructure for your business, which often puts organisations off. However, if it is done properly, it will pay off in the long run. Architecture and Governance Magazine revealed that some Fortune 500 companies and government agencies had validated returns on investment as high as 700% thanks to their investment in IT planning.

Here at Cyan Solutions, we have the expertise and knowledge to assist you in creating an effective and powerful IT infrastructure that supports your business and its long-term goals with a proactive approach. We do not believe in one-size-fits-all, and so our approach to all projects is considered and structured; we highly tailor every detail to fit seamlessly with your business model. Following a plan, create, maintain model, we work carefully at every stage to ensure we develop a service that truly addresses your individual needs – both now and in the future.

Plan: How to prepare for creating an effective IT infrastructure

A thorough audit of everything your business currently has by way of IT and everything it will need in the future is the best place to start when creating an IT plan. On the surface, it may seem that an IT plan only concerns hardware and software, but there is so much more to consider. It is important to think about the human resources of the business, the cost management involved, and also the risk management.

At Cyan Solutions, we work closely with our customers to undergo comprehensive reviews that will give us a detailed insight into the businesses IT needs and assets. This process provides us with the opportunity to integrate our strategic thinking as part of your team.

Once we have completed a comprehensive audit and got a full understanding of your business needs, we can then help to create an actionable IT framework strategy and plan that covers all aspects of the company. At this stage, we will also ensure that your IT infrastructure is fully GDPR compliant.

Create: Designing and implementing the IT framework

Once the plan has been finalised and agreed upon, we will get started on designing and implementing the infrastructure, while ensuring minimal disruption to the day to day running of your business. We will develop your new IT capabilities through the previously planned and agreed software and hardware. Working closely with all vendors and software providers, we will unlock the potential of your IT.

At this stage we also ensure everyone within the business is happy and fully trained on any new platforms or applications that have been implemented. We use technical architecture to tailor the IT infrastructure to be specific to your business needs while ensuring the highest levels of security, flexibility and accessibility. It is the advantage of proven technology, tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Maintain: Proactive maintenance and performance monitoring

We guarantee a long-term solution and offer the highest level of service with a robust set of agreements. Once your new IT infrastructure is up and running, we continue to work hard to troubleshoot for any potential issues and provide proactive maintenance to help keep your systems up to date and running in the best possible way for your business.

We will implement any relevant patches, monitor overall performance, and keep on top of industry issues. Our expert teams will guarantee your new system is upgraded and adapted where necessary and ensure that your infrastructure is properly protecting your customer’s data and is always fully GDPR compliant.

When you choose Cyan Solutions, you can expect fast and responsive help from a knowledgeable team that is always on hand to help. As a result, you will get exceptional service whenever you need it, as well as total transparency on our performance. With your IT infrastructure taken care of, you can reap the rewards and focus your attention on your business growth strategy.

Start your growth strategy today

If you want to find out more about how Cyan Solutions can help you to plan, create and maintain an IT infrastructure that will support your business growth, get in touch with our expert team today.

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The Dos And Don’ts Around Consent For GDPR Compliance 

When it comes to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the new rules for compliance are creating many drastic changes in the way businesses operate, particularly when it comes to collecting, managing and storing data of customers and potential business interests.  

Undeniably, GDPR is setting a higher standard in data protection. However, some of the information in the EU regulation can be confusing. In fact, some firms are left wholly baffled in regard to what their organisation needs to do. Furthermore, many myths are circulating the new regulation which is adding to the difficulty in becoming compliant.  

One of the aspects that is causing problems is the regulations surrounding consent. To help your organisation to gain consent and collect data in a lawful and compliant way, read on for our top tips on how your business should handle consent for GDPR compliance success.  

Top tips for GDPR compliant consent 

Do offer individuals a choice 

One of the primary areas of focus of GDPR is to give back data control to individuals, so that they can decide who has and uses their data. Your consent should be clear and concise. You need to show consumers that they have control as to whether they consent to your terms and conditions regarding their data.  

The benefit of providing individuals with a choice does not just ensure your organisation achieves GDPR compliance. Giving your customers control can help to establish your business reputation. Your explicit consent methods will build trust, engagement and honesty which can enhance your reputation and improve customer satisfaction.  

Don’t have pre-ticked opt-in boxes 

Having pre-ticked boxes is no longer an acceptable way to gain consent under the new GDPR rules. GDPR requires consent to be affirmative, and individuals must be able to access an easy way to exercise their right to withdraw consent. By having pre-ticked boxes, you do not allow customers the opportunity to give their consent actively.  

Another consideration is that consent must be explicit and easy to understand. You can still use a box for the customer to opt-in to provide their permission, but you should remove any advanced ticking. The customer should be the one to decide on their data sharing based on an action they complete themselves.  

Do make sure data processing is lawful 

In some circumstances, you do not need to gain consent to comply with the GDPR regulation. For some businesses, consent may not be a viable option. However, GDPR will allow exceptions for approval, providing they have a legal basis. For example, consent is not required for these lawful circumstances; 

  • Data processing is necessary for public interest 
  • An official authority has a vested interest in data processing 
  • Data processing is needed to comply with a legal obligation 
  • To fulfil a contract with the subject, data handling is vital 
  • Processing data can protect the interests of the individual.  
  • Data processing is needed for legitimate reasons by a controller or third-party. In this case, the rights of freedom of the subject are overridden.  

Don’t wait to change your consent process  

The fines for non-compliance can be devastating for a business. If a company does not comply with the GDPR regulation, firms may be hit with a £17 million penalty or a fine that is equal to 4% of the annual turnover. While this can severely impact a business, avoiding fines should not be your sole driver for maintaining compliance.  

A business should strive for compliance to show their professionality, trust and honesty. A firm that is committed to legal compliance will prove to customers their transparent policy and focus on following the best practice in the industry. The sooner your business can assure compliance, the sooner you can focus your organisation on further improvements to help your customers.  

Achieve GDPR compliance with Cyan Solutions 

At Cyan Solutions, our team are well-versed in the new GDPR regulations. If your business is struggling to separate the facts from fiction regarding the new rules, then Cyan Solutions can help. Working together with your organisation to understand your data collecting and processing requirements, Cyan Solutions can advise with creating a good governance approach to help make sure your business plans for GDPR compliance, and maintains industry best practice approaches. 

Our team are available to help, and with the deadline ticking closer, it is vital to act now. Get in touch with our friendly team of experts by calling 02392 333 365 or emailing [email protected] and start your GDPR compliance journey today.

The Importance Of Having A Good Technology Strategy 

Technology underpins the success of the majority of businesses in today’s world. Whether it is a small or medium-sized business selling products locally or a multi-national company that reaches every corner of the globe; information technology is essential. 

Technology evolves at a rapid rate. Therefore, it is vital that any organisation deals with the challenge through the implementation of an effective plan that will help them to prioritise and budget accordingly. 

An effective technology strategy will make it possible to prioritise resources and funds for all initiatives and projects that will benefit the organisation in a way that will allow it to grow and evolve. The majority of technology strategies will look ahead by three to five years, and they will consist of goals and objectives as well as principles that can help to guide the plan and the business as well. 

Of course, strategies can vary, and this can often be down to the size and type of business. However, its importance should always be acknowledged. Mainly, plans should be specific and actionable, whereby they detail the required resources, costs and timeframes. However, those that are more general in nature will be down to senior management to ascertain the specifics to meet goals and objectives. 

How a technology strategy underpins the business strategy 

A technology strategy will have four main functions; 


The first is for the IT department, manager or managed service to initiate discussion with senior management to identify the investment that is required. When it comes to new projects that can help to drive a business forward, the technology strategy will be used to as part of these discussions. It will make it easier for management to understand how investment should be balanced and how projects should be prioritised in line with other functions of the business. It will essentially make planning a lot more efficient and precise. 


Secondly, the technology strategy will play an influential role in the way projects, and resources are planned. It will help to identify the needs of the business from an IT perspective and highlight all resources that are required while software and vendor selection will also be made simpler. Having the ability to anticipate these costs and timings will make it possible to plan and implement all changes so that they fit into the primary functions of the business.  


Thirdly, management will have a greater understanding of what is required and how their departments will not only benefit but how the technology strategy will affect each department. It is crucial that each strategy throughout the business work together and so, the technology strategy will feed into this, enabling management to understand which technology priorities should be rolled out across the organisation. Through active management, the technology strategy will align itself more positively with executive decisions before projects begin. 


Finally, management and IT can focus on maintaining the strategy in a proactive nature to make sure that the technology continues to align with the needs of the business and its customers.  

Who benefits? 

The technology strategy is designed to underpin the communication that takes place between the IT department and management in a way that enables the IT departments to work strategically when managing projects and making investment decisions. Management and business owners will benefit because it allows improved negotiations to take place when there are requests for new projects or initiatives. 

When it comes to business goals, the technology strategy will enable management and executives to think strategically when they request improvements in technology or even consider the use of new technology. Their functional strategies can be used with IT management to determine which technology project will benefit the business and help it to meet its goals in the short or long-term. 

The transparency that comes with a technology strategy will make all required resources easy to identify when it comes to staff being assigned to IT projects. It will also make it possible for management to trace costs and detail exactly why the money and resources are required. 

The needs of a business can change and so, taking a strategic approach will provide a structure by which management will listen to the needs and input from a technological perspective, particularly where IT support will be required. This will ensure that priorities are balanced, which in turn will enable businesses to grow and push forward in a way that consists of very little conflict across departments where all are aiming to meet the same mutual goals and outcomes. 

How Cyan Solutions can help 

Cyan Solutions can assist with IT planning, strategy creation and ongoing maintenance. Through aligning themselves with your business, Cyan Solutions can deliver solutions that get results and enable your business to reach its targets. The aim is to help your business get as much from your investment as possible through tailoring a platform that has been designed to your specific needs.  

Finally, Cyan Solutions can help to manage and maintain your technology, helping you to work productively by ensuring maximum uptime as well as continuing vital security measures. To find out how Cyan Solutions can help to align your technology strategy with inspiring solutions, call the team on 02392 333 365.