Celebrating 20 Years of Success

cyan solutions team birthday

As we celebrate 20 incredible years in business, we can’t help but reflect on the journey that brought us to where we are today. What started as a humble venture in my kitchen back in 2004 has grown into a thriving IT support company with a team of over 20 talented people. Looking back, it’s not just the success of the business that fills us with pride but the relationships we’ve built, the lives we’ve touched, and the fun we’ve shared along the way.

The Humble Beginnings

Two decades ago, our company was just an idea and a lot of determination. I remember setting up my first workspace at the kitchen table, surrounded by cables, manuals, and a vision of providing reliable, friendly IT support to local businesses. With a clear mission and a passion for technology, I began serving our first clients, many of whom are still with us today. Those early days were filled with late nights, steep learning curves, and a sense of excitement that only comes from building something from the ground up.

Growth and Evolution

As the years passed, the company has grown in both size and capability. We’ve welcomed new team members, expanded our service offerings, and moved from the kitchen to an office that could accommodate our growing family. We’ve seen team members come and go, and we’ve had the privilege of watching families grow and children mature. These personal milestones, shared with our extended work family, have been as rewarding as any business success.

Of course, the journey hasn’t been without its challenges. Like any business, we’ve faced ups and downs – economic shifts, technological advancements, and the occasional unforeseen obstacle. But through it all, we’ve remained resilient, guided by our commitment to our customers and our passion for what we do. Our ability to adapt and innovate has been key to our success, allowing us to not only survive, but grow in an ever-changing industry.

cyan solutions team celebrations

A Heartfelt Thank You

We wouldn’t be here today without the unwavering support of our customers. Your trust in us, your loyalty, and your partnership have been the cornerstone of our success. It’s been our absolute pleasure to serve you, to solve your IT challenges, and to grow alongside you. We are deeply grateful for the opportunities you’ve given us to be part of your journey, and we’re excited about what the future holds.

Embracing the Future: A New Direction

As we celebrate this significant milestone, we’re also looking ahead to the future. The direction of our journey has evolved, and we’re embarking on an exciting new chapter. We’re proud to announce that we’re on the path to becoming a B Corporation – a designation that reflects our commitment to balancing profit with purpose.

This decision wasn’t made lightly. We’ve realigned our values and mission to reflect our desire to contribute to the greater good, not just within the IT industry but within our community and beyond. As we strive to lead by example, we’re determined to show that a for-profit IT company can indeed make a positive impact on the world. Whether it’s through sustainable practices, ethical business decisions, or supporting local initiatives, we’re committed to doing our part.

Celebrating 20 Years with a Brand Refresh

To recognise this new direction and to celebrate our 20th anniversary, we’ve undergone an exciting brand refresh. Our new look represents not just who we are today but where we’re headed. It’s a symbol of our growth, our values, and our commitment to excellence. We hope you’ll join us in embracing this new identity as we continue to provide the exceptional service you’ve come to expect, now with a renewed focus on making a difference.

cyan solutions ltd 20 years
cyan solutions team party

Looking Ahead with Excitement

As we chart the course for this new direction, we’re filled with anticipation for what lies ahead. The past 20 years have been an incredible journey, and we’re confident that the next chapter will be just as rewarding. We’re excited to share this journey with you – our customers, partners, and friends. Together, we’ll continue to innovate, grow, and make a positive impact in the world of IT and beyond.

Thank you for being part of our story. Here’s to the next 20 years of success, laughter, and making a difference – together.

Written by Simon Bond – Founder & Director