Will AI ever completely replace human customer service?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has had more than its fair share of news lately. From good news stories about some of the most innovative applications of AI in schools and business, right down to concerning stories about the ‘rise of the machines’. But just how much will it affect jobs – will AI ever completely replace human customer service?

It’s important to note before we go on that mature AI technologies are still relatively in their infancy. Therefore, when we write anything like this there is always going to be a certain amount of speculation involved. However, with something like customer service, we can already look at the great deal of automation that is already in place.

Automation has helped and hindered in a number of different ways. It is now utilised across a vast range of different sectors to help with production and manufacturing. According to PwC, up to 46.4% of manufacturing jobs could be automated by the early 2030s. On the flip side, this will help could help boost production and increase jobs in the development sectors.

How does AI work?

Before we ask whether or not AI could ever replace human interaction, we have to look at how AI works. WI requires what is called machine learning, which requires a bunch (a whole bunch) of data. Data driven applications are everywhere, not least on the internet. The most obvious would be something like a search engine.

AI and data within CRM

In the realm of customer management, data-driven technology has seriously helped boost the way that businesses work. Beforehand, legacy CRM was useful only as a tool that could be used to look back at past successes – now, with AI and data-driven technology, it can be used to enable the highest levels of productivity in the future.

Our speculation – you can’t fake the human touch

While it is undoubtable that AI and automation will completely revolutionise how business is conducted, and indeed replace certain jobs, AI simple is not human. AI is being developed to enable humans to do the best that they can – not that computers can. Automation can take control of mundane, everyday, simple tasks. This allows humans to do the human things.

Most importantly, when it comes to customer service, you simply cannot fake the human touch. When we look at AI for customer service we are particularly focussing on things like chatbots and AI for customer interactions where FAQs are around. However, people will still want to deal with people where large sums of money are concerned.

Our prediction is that while AI will continually shake-up customer service, it will primarily complement it rather than replace it all together.

How artificial intelligence will affect future business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been integrated into much of our daily lives. So much so that often we are unaware of it and its impact. Whilst there is scope for further development in AI technology, the implications for different businesses and sectors is enormous. It will continue to revolutionise how business is conducted in the future.

If we look at AI developments over the past decade, it is obvious that future business will be shaped dramatically by AI technology. The tech is constantly developing and improving, with new applications constantly being integrated into our everyday. Robotics have become more innovative and autonomous. AI is being implemented in sectors where previously not considered either possible or necessary.

The impact of AI will be dependent on the sector in which it is used. Although there is only so far we can go in predicting the future, the increasing uses of AI enables us to speculate more readily than ever before.

With that in mind, here are some of the ways that future business could be impacted going forward.

Financial Services & Law

Artificial intelligence has been instrumental in helping make use of data to extract valuable information. It enables us to analyse data trends at lightning fast speed when compared to the human brain. In the legal world one example of how this has been used is to filter trends to show patterns in criminal behaviour. Plus DNA and finger print matching databases have become ever more sophisticated enabling unsolved cold cases to be solved.

Data extraction is also an exciting potential for AI. In financial services businesses are embracing AI solutions which enable them to make smarter investment choices. Algorithms and analytics are now a integral part of trading, economic analysis and forecasting.


Robotics have a been a staple in the world of manufacturing for some time now already. Yet we will continue to see something of a change in how they are used and the intricacies of tasks that they can complete.

In the world of manufacturing, health and safety is of utmost importance. Already artificial intelligence is having a positive effect on how safely and positively robotics technology can be used alongside traditional workers. As the technology becomes more  widespread the demand for the production of intricate AI robotics will grow.


Artificial intelligence has already made a huge impact in the healthcare sector in terms of diagnosis, decision making, data capture and data analysis. Moreover, artificially intelligent robotics have a huge capacity to undertake complex and intricate procedures in healthcare. One example is IBM’s Watson computer which is being used by oncologists to diagnose cancer in patients and provide a tailored treatment plan.

Customer Services

Finally, customer services is becoming increasingly AI driven. Already social networks are offering businesses access to chat-bots that can answer a number of predetermined queries for customers. Beyond that, some smart systems are able to answer customer questions with such accuracy that they aren’t even aware they aren’t talking to a real person